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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Discussion Questions for The Magician's nephew   Questions from Speaking Of Jack by Will Vaus

 1. Do you notice anything significant about the time period in which this story is set? 

2. How does Lewis teach morality through this book? 

3. Does Jack make the supernatural realm believable in this story? If so how?

 4. How is Digory like Jack? 

5. Digory says of the wood between the worlds, “Nothing ever happens here. Like at home. It’s in the houses that people talk, and do things, and have meals. Nothing goes on in the in-between places ...” Does this statement remind you of anything in any of Lewis’ other books?

 6. How would you describe Digory and Polly, using one adjective for each? 

7. After reading this book, what would you guess was Jack’s view of magic? 

8. What view of kingship does this book present? 

9. What do Jadis and Uncle Andrew have in common?

 10. What does the situation with Digory’s mother remind you of from Jack’s life? 

11. What do you think of Jack’s account of the creation of Narnia? How does it compare to the biblical account of creation?

 12. How might we judge each character in this story by their various reactions to Aslan? 

13. What do you think Aslan means by the statement: “Evil will come of that evil, but it is still a long way off, and I will see to it that the worst falls upon myself.”? 

14. What do you think of Aslan’s choice for the first King and Queen of Narnia? 

15. What do you think of Aslan’s response to Digory’s request in chapter XII? 

16. How do you respond to Jack’s descriptions of scenery throughout this story?

17. How does Digory’s temptation in the garden compare to the temptation in the Garden of Eden? 

18. Do you think there is any connection between Jadis and the witches in the other Narnia stories?

 19. How did you feel about the end of this story? 

20. How would you summarize what this story is about?
The beginning of Narnia! Come join Polly, Digory and Fledge on the grandest of adventures. We have all had an "Uncle Andrew" to deal with. We've all wondered if Aslan had forgotten us or not sorrowed as we sorrow. Brilliant read as only Lewis can deliver. See you there. Barnes & Noble Thursday April 12th 7:20 P.M.  :)