This is a little video about Lewis and Free Will.
August 13: Theme: C.S. Lewis on Free Will (any Lewis source: share 5-10 minutes)
I thought this might be a challenging theme until I looked into my Quotable C.S. Lewis and found scads of quotes relative to free will. So don't be too daunted by the task. Some ideas would be to check the Quotable Lewis volume, google "C.S. Lewis and free will" and there are numerous quotes and even a youtube video is interesting. I also posted the theme on SpareOom to see what the Lewisians there might say about it. I'll bring some of their comments to the meeting.
Our future schedule look like:
September 10: Stephen will be our discussion leader for Surprised by Joy
October 8: Theme: C.S. Lewis on Education (any Lewis source: share 5-10 minutes)
November 12: Theme: the essay On the Reading of Old Books the introduction C.S. Lewis wrote to Sr. Penelope's translation of Athanasius: On the Incarnation available on the internet in its entirety at The introduction is five pages long. Come and share on either the introduction or Sr. Penelope's translation (5-10 min. or so)
December TBD: Christmas Planning Party: Stephen has volunteered to host again. How wonderful is that? I don't see how he can outdo himself, but I'm up to see him try.