Search Society Blog

Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 11th Will Soon Be Upon Us: How Did You Discover C.S. Lewis?

As the week begins you might reflect on how you first became interested in C.S. Lewis?  Come share your adventure with us on Thursday June 11th as we meet to discuss the appeal of C.S. Lewis.  Each of our stories is a unique experience.  Some of us are Narnians first, while others are Thulcandrians.  Still others may be Mere Christians, or discovered Greytown or Wormwood.  Speaking of Greytown I stumbled upon which might interest some of you.

Come join us.  The meeting begins at 7:30 P.M. and ends fairly promptly at 9:00 P.M.   Bring a friend and we can all enjoy the conviviality of sharing our enthusiasm for C.S. Lewis