March 12: Ray will be our discussion leader on Richard Platt's As One Devil To Another a fiendish correspondence in the tradition of C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters. Richard Platt has a website on the book which you can find HERE. We'll be running this like an ordinary meeting with discussion questions which I'll send around. Platt has a pdf file on his site with a Discussion Guide and there's even a Facebook page for the book.
Social media is taking over the planet, which is a little scary. HERE is the Facebook page. I think the link will work. It should be a fun meeting.
I thought it would be good to mention that the Society has a Facebook page as well HERE and by all means come and join. Conversations are easier in that environment if you like on-line banter.
Also our first theme meeting: C.S. Lewis on "sin" went very well. Iain came and moderated the chaos but it was a fascinating meeting as everyone chimed in with their particular 'finds' on C.S. Lewis' observations about sin. Lewis himself always thought his besetting sin was pride, at least he said that several times to his lifelong friend Arthur Grieves in their correspondence. The discussion rambled far and wide over the entire Lewis canon visiting the space trilogy, Narnia, and even The Abolition of Man. It was a great meeting. So Theme Meetings got off to a wonderful start.