Schedule Moving Forward
The snow covers the land from Lantern Waste near SpareOom to the distant realms of Woodstock and Harrisonburg and so at Cair Paravel the kings and queens of Narnia from of old have decreed that there will be no meeting lest the White Witch imagine she can return. Spring is coming, Aslan assures us.
March 13th Virgil The Aeneid
(Books 1 to 12) Stephen our Discussion Leader
April 10th Dante The Inferno Iain our Discussion Leader
May 8th C.S. Lewis The Screwtape Letters Jessica our Discussion Leader
June 12th James Stewart Bell and Anthony P. Dawson From the Library of C.S. Lewis: Selections from Writers Who Influenced
His Spiritual Journey Ray our
Discussion Leader
July 10th J.R.R. Tolkien On Fairy
Stories and Leaf by Niggle NEED
Discussion Leader
August 14th C.S. Lewis On Stories and Other Essays On Literature NEED Discussion Leader
September 11th Jane Austen Persuasion Stephen will be our Discussion Leader
October 9th G.K. Chesterton The
Everlasting Man NEED Discussion
November 13th C.S. Lewis Till We Have
Faces: A Myth Retold NEED Discussion
December 11th or some other date TBD
Our Party to plan the New Year Stephen Has Volunteered to Host.